Tribunale di primo grado 17 settembre 2007 T-201/04

Microsoft & altri c. Commissione

Microsoft condannata dal Tribunale di primo grado per abuso di posizione dominante.

“Annuls Article 7 of Commission Decision 2007/53/EC of 24 March 2004 relating to a proceeding pursuant to Article 82 [EC] and Article 54 of the EEA Agreement against Microsoft Corp. (Case COMP/C-3/37.792 – Microsoft), in so far as:

– it orders Microsoft to submit a proposal for the establishment of a mechanism which is to include a monitoring trustee with the power to have access, independently of the Commission, to Microsoft’s assistance, information, documents, premises and employees and to the source code of the relevant Microsoft products;

– it requires that the proposal for the establishment of that mechanism provide that all the costs associated with the appointment of the monitoring trustee, including his remuneration, be borne by Microsoft; and

– it reserves to the Commission the right to impose by way of decision a mechanism such as that referred to in the first and second indents above;

2. Dismisses the remainder of the application;

3. Orders Microsoft to bear 80% of its own costs and to pay 80% of the Commission’s costs, with the exception of the costs incurred by the Commission in connection with the intervention of The Computing Technology Industry Association, Inc., Association for Competitive Technology, Inc., TeamSystem SpA, Mamut ASA, BV, MPS Broadband AB, Pace Micro Technology plc, Quantel Ltd, Tandberg Television Ltd and Exor AB;

4. Orders Microsoft to bear its own costs and to pay the Commission’s costs relating to the interim measures proceedings in Case T?201/04 R, with the exception of the costs incurred by the Commission in connection with the intervention of The Computing Technology Industry Association, Association for Competitive Technology, TeamSystem, Mamut,, MPS Broadband, Pace Micro Technology, Quantel, Tandberg Television and Exor;

5. Orders Microsoft to pay the costs of Software & Information Industry Association, Free Software Foundation Europe, and European Committee for Interoperable Systems (ECIS), including those relating to the interim measures proceedings;

6. Orders the Commission to bear 20% of its own costs and to pay 20% of Microsoft’s costs, with the exception of the costs incurred by Microsoft in connection with the intervention of Software & Information Industry Association, Free Software Foundation Europe, and ECIS;

7. Orders The Computing Technology Industry Association, Association for Competitive Technology, TeamSystem, Mamut,, MPS Broadband, Pace Micro Technology, Quantel, Tandberg Television and Exor to bear their own costs, including those relating to the interim measures proceedings.”