On 2 October, a WTO arbitrator issued its decision on the level of countermeasures the United States may request with respect to the European Union and certain EU member states in “European Communities and Certain member States — Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft” (DS316).

“9.2. The United States may therefore request authorization from the DSB to take countermeasures with respect to the European Union and certain member States, as indicated in document WT/DS316/18, at a level not exceeding, in total, USD 7,496.623 million annually. These countermeasures may take the form of (a) suspension of tariff concessions and related obligations under the GATT 1994, and/or (b) suspension of horizontal or sectoral commitments and obligations contained in the United States’ services schedule with regard to all services defined in the Services Sectoral Classification List, except for financial services.


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