
I hereby arrange in agreement with the Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry of Finance on the basis of Section 6 subsection 1 sentence 1 in conjunction with Section 4 subsection 1 number 5 of the Foreign Trade and Payments Act (AWG) in conjunction with Section 49 subsection 1 of the Administrative Procedure Act :
The order of March 12, 2020 (BAnz AT 12.03.2020 B1), which was issued on the basis of Section 6 subsection 1 sentence 1 in conjunction with Section 4 subsection 1 number 5 and Section 13 subsection 2 number 2 letter a AWG canceled.
This decision is hereby publicly announced in accordance with Section 6 (1a) AWG and comes into force with this publication.

The European Commission adopted Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/402 on March 15, 2020. The purpose of this measure is to make exports from the internal market to third countries subject to approval, given the considerable bottleneck situation in Europe in the supply of medical protective equipment. This also fulfills an essential purpose of this arrangement. Against this background and in view of an EU-wide approach, the order of March 12, 2020 will now be repealed.
The Federal Government reserves the right to regularly evaluate the situation, both with regard to further developments in the internal market and with regard to the necessary EU-wide uniform handling when approving exports to third countries based on the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020 / 402. The evaluation also needs to take into account the ability of Member States to meet essential domestic needs. On the basis of this evaluation, a reorganization in accordance with Section 6 subsection 1 sentence 1 in conjunction with Section 4 subsection 1 number 5 AWG would have to be decided.

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