Judgment of the General Court in Case T-743/22 | Mazepin v Council

In March 2022, the European Union imposed restrictive measures on Mr. Nikita Mazepin as part of their response to the Russian aggression against Ukraine. These measures included freezing his funds and banning him from entering EU Member States, based on his association with his father, Mr. Dmitry Mazepin, a significant business figure supporting the Russian government financially. The Council extended these measures until March 15, 2024, through subsequent acts.

Mr. Nikita Mazepin challenged these decisions in the General Court of the European Union, arguing that they were based on an erroneous assessment. The General Court ruled in favor of Nikita Mazepin, annulling the acts that kept him on the sanctions list. It clarified that the “association” criterion, which led to Mazepin’s inclusion on the list, requires more than just a familial link; it necessitates evidence of economic ties or shared interests, which the Council failed to provide. Moreover, since Mazepin was no longer a driver for the Haas F1 Team since March 2022, the alleged financial support from his father was deemed irrelevant. Therefore, the Court concluded that the sanctions against Nikita Mazepin were unjustly based solely on his family connection.


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