Road map for digital cooperation: implementationof the recommendations of the High-level Panel onDigital CooperationReport of the Secretary-General
This report is designed to follow up and expand on the findings of the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation. It evaluates the current state of digital collaboration, focusing on aspects…
Statement by President VON DER LEYEN on the recent ruling of the German Constitutional Court
Brussels, 10 May 2020 The recent ruling of the German Constitutional Court put under the spotlight two issues of the European Union: the Euro system and the European legal system.…
Schuman Declaration: 70 years on
Aiming to secure peace in Europe after the horrors of the Second World War, the Schuman Declaration proposed cooperation among European countries in two key economic areas central to rearmament…
Press release following the judgment of the German Constitutional Court of 5 May 2020
The Directorate for Communication of the Court of Justice received many enquiries concerning the judgment delivered by the German Constitutional Court on 5 May 2020 regarding the European Central Bank’s…
LINK Università di Teramo Follow
Rule of Law: European Commission launches infringement procedure to safeguard the independence of judges in Poland
Today, the European Commission launched an infringement procedure by sending a Letter of Formal Notice to Poland regarding the new law on the judiciary of 20 December 2019, which entered…
ECB takes steps to mitigate impact of possible rating downgrades on collateral availability
ECB to grandfather until September 2021 eligibility of marketable assets used as collateral in Eurosystem credit operations falling below current minimum credit quality requirements Appropriate haircuts will apply for assets…
Un sondaggio di SWG
Secondo un sondaggio di SWG il 54% degli italiani pensa che la globalizzazione stia distruggendo la nostra economia. Il 52% considera la Cina un paese amico, il 32% la Russia.…
OPCW Releases Report concludes units of the Syrian Arab Air Force used chemical weapons in Ltamenah, Syria in March 2017
THE HAGUE, Netherlands – 8 April 2020 – The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) released today the findings of the first report by the OPCW Investigation and…
EUROGROUP: Report on the comprehensive economic policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Decreto sui poteri speciali nei settori strategici
DECRETO-LEGGE 8 aprile 2020, n. 23 Misure urgenti in materia di accesso al credito e di adempimenti fiscali per le imprese, di poteri speciali nei settori strategici, nonche’ interventi in…
The Court of Justice of the European Union adapts in order to guarantee the continuity of the European public administration of justice
The Court of Justice of the European Union adapts in order to guarantee the continuity of the European public administration of justice Follow
Mitigating unemployment risks in an emergency (SURE) following the COVID-19 outbreak
Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION on the establishment of a European instrument for temporary support to mitigate unemployment risks in an emergency (SURE) following the COVID-19 outbreak Follow
UN Security Council working methods in the midst of Covid 19
UN Security Council working methods in the midst of Covid 19 Follow
By refusing to comply with the temporary mechanism for the relocation of applicants for international protection, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic have failed to fulfil their obligations under European Union law.
Court of Justice of the European Union Luxembourg, 2 April 2020 Judgment in Joined Cases C-715/17, C-718/17 and C-719/17 Press and Information Commission v Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic…
art. 15 ECHR activation
Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, Georgia, Latvia, Romania, Moldova, Armenia, and Estonia have activated Article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Follow
L’epidemia, la crisi economica e lo stallo europeo: l’Unione europea alla prova decisiva della solidarietà
Andrea Fracasso, L’epidemia, la crisi economica e lo stallo europeo. Follow
Newly declared states of emergency must include a time limit and parliamentary oversight, OSCE human rights head says WARSAW, 30 March 2020 – Emergency legislation being adopted by governments across the OSCE region must include a time limit and guarantee parliamentary oversight, said the Director of the…
Corona and Schengen borders control
14 Schengen countries have notified the European Commission of the reintroduction of border controls due to threats related to the spread of COVID-19: Follow
The Defense Production Act (DPA) and COVID-19
The United States faces drug and medical supply scarcities due to disrupted supply chains and increased demand. Follow
Pandemic emergency purchase programme PEPP
DECISION (EU) 2020/440 OF THE EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK of 24 March 2020 (ECB/2020/17) on a temporary pandemic emergency purchase programme Follow
Guidance to the Member States concerning foreign direct investment and free movement of capital from third countries, and the protection of Europe’s strategic assets, ahead of the application of Regulation (EU) 2019/452 (FDI Screening Regulation)
COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION Guidance to the Member States concerning foreign direct investment and free movement of capital from third countries, and the protection of Europe’s strategic assets, ahead of…
Webinar: The eurozone in the Coronavirus crisis: should the ECB finance governments?
The corona crisis has led governments to take extraordinary budgetary measures to avoid an implosion of the economy. This is likely to lead to permanent increases in government debt levels.…
USTR: Response to Coronavirus Crisis
Invites Public Comments to Identify Additional Products Potentially Helpful to U.S. Response Washington, DC – Throughout the process of administering its Section 301 action to combat China’s acts, policies and…
Mario Draghi: We face a war against coronavirus and must mobilise accordingly Follow
Bachelet calls for easing of sanctions to enable medical systems to fight COVID-19 and limit global contagion
Arabic | Chinese | French | Russian | Spanish GENEVA (24 March 2020) – Broad sectoral sanctions should urgently be re-evaluated in countries facing the coronavirus pandemic, in light of…
Secretary General writes to Viktor Orbán regarding COVID-19 state of emergency in Hungary
ORBAN PM Hungary_24.03.2020.pdf Follow
The Commission today proposes the activation of the general escape clause of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP)
The Commission today proposes the activation of the general escape clause of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) as part of its strategy to respond quickly, forcefully and in a…
COVID-19: Commission creates first ever rescEU stockpile of medical equipment
Today, the European Commission has decided to create a strategic rescEU stockpile of medical equipment such as ventilators and protective masks to help EU countries in the context of the…
State aid: Commission adopts Temporary Framework to enable Member States to further support the economy in the COVID-19 outbreak
State_aid__Commission_adopts_Temporary_Framework Follow
Suspension of EU rules on airport slot allocation
On 13 March 2020, the European Commission adopted a legislative proposal to amend Regulation 95/93 on common rules for the allocation of slots at EU airports. The proposal responds to…
Temporary border controls in the Schengen area
The Schengen Code lays down the common rules governing the management of internal and external EU borders, including rules and procedures concerning the exceptional introduction of border checks at internal…