Joint Statement UE – China Dichiarazione congiunta UE – Cina
euchina-joint-statement-9april2019 Follow
CCDCOE: Huawei, 5G and China as a Security Threat
Cybersecurity of 5G networks – EU COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION
20190329 CommissionRecommendation-Cybersecurityof5Gnetworkspdf Follow
Sovereignty in a globalised world
Speech by Mario Draghi, President of the ECB, on the award of Laurea honoris causa in law from Università degli Studi di Bologna, Bologna, 22 February 2019 Follow
The EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement explained (slides).
The EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement explained (slides). the_withdrawal_agreement_explained Follow
The ECJ on the Restrictive measures adopted in view of the situation in Libyia
JUDGMENT OF THE COURT (Third Chamber) 17 January 2019 – Case C?168/17 (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Common foreign and security policy — Restrictive measures adopted in view of…
The next move has to come from London. There is nothing else we can do from here at this stage. What matters at this stage … is that we know what to expect from the UK, and that we don’t know.
The next move has to come from London. There is nothing else we can do from here at this stage. What matters at this stage … is that we know…
UK Parliament reject Premier May’s Brexit plan by 432 by 202 – a majority of 230
MPs reject May’s Brexit plan by 432 by 202 – a majority of 230 Follow
Trade remedies if there’s no Brexit deal Follow
Avvocato generale Bobek: il gestore di un sito Internet che inserisce il plugin di un terzo, come il pulsante « Mi piace » di Facebook, il quale determina la raccolta e la trasmissione dei dati personali degli utenti, è corresponsabile di tale fase del trattamento dei dati
Conclusioni dell’avvocato generale nella causa C-40/17 Fashion ID GmbH & Co. KG / Verbraucherzentrale NRW eV Follow
Poland must immediately suspend the application of the provisions of national legislation relating to the lowering of the retirement age for Supreme Court judges
Order of the Court in Case C-619/18 R Commission v Poland cp180204en Follow
The #Brexit saga continues: UK Prime Minister will seek to postpone a parliamentary vote on her proposal for Britain’s departure from the European Union
Brexit vote: What could happen next? Brexit vote: What could happen next? Follow
Case C-621/18 shall be determined pursuant to the expedited procedure provided for in Article 105(1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Court. – Rito accelerato per il caso Wightman
Case C-621/18 shall be determined pursuant to the expedited procedure provided for in Article 105(1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Court. Follow
Special meeting of the European Council (Art. 50) (25 November 2018) – Conclusions
1.The European Council endorses the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community. On…
Opinions on the Draft Budgetary Plans of euro area Member States: ITALY – Pareri sui documenti programmatici di bilancio degli Stati membri della zona euro
Opinions on the Draft Budgetary Plans of euro area Member States The Commission has also adopted Opinions on whether the 2019 Draft Budgetary Plans (DBPs) of euro area Member States…
Draft Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union; Joint Statement and outline of the Political Declaration on the future relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union, as agreed at negotiators’ level.
1) Joint Statement: State of Play of the negotiations under article 50 TEU on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union Follow
Aiuti di Stato: la Corte annulla la decisione con cui la Commissione ha rinunciato a ordinare il recupero di aiuti illegali concessi dall’Italia sotto forma di esenzione dall’imposta comunale sugli immobili.
I concorrenti direttamente interessati dei beneficiari di aiuti di Stato hanno il diritto di rivolgersi ai giudici dell’Unione per chiedere l’annullamento di una simile decisione Follow
Il giudice non deve estendere una normativa nazionale riferita alla Cedu alla violazione del diritto dell’Unione ( art. 50 Carta )
SENTENZA DELLA CORTE (Grande Sezione) 24 ottobre 2018, causa C?234/17,XC,YB,ZA v. Generalprokuratur, Follow
EU response to Brexit Follow
Bollettino – Gruppo di lavoro – Corte di Cassazione – CEDU
Dopo la firma del Protocollo d’intesa tra la Corte di Cassazione e la Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo, avvenuta a Strasburgo l’11 dicembre 2015, la Corte di cassazione ha dato…
Examining Economic Outcomes After Brexit
Rsearchers from the US and RAND Europe explored the economic implications of eight different trade scenarios involving the UK, EU and US after Brexit: Follow