Obligation to disapply national legislation contrary to a directive. Obbligo di disapplicare una normativa nazionale contraria a una direttiva
Court of Justice 7 August 2018, C-122/17 Follow
Frequently Asked Questions on the European Public Prosecutor’s Office – Domande frequenti sulla Procura europea
FAQ EPPO FAQ Procura europea Follow
Follow-up to the EU-U.S. Joint Statement of 25 July: Imports of U.S. soybeans increase by over 280%
Follow- up EU- US joint statement Follow
Ukraine: EU adds six entities involved in the construction of the Kerch Bridge connecting the illegally annexed Crimea to Russia to sanctions list
The Council added six entities to the list of those subject to restrictive measures over actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. They are listed…
Brexit: Government confirms detail on new Bill that will put Withdrawal Agreement into law
The Government has published a White Paper on how it will legislate for the Withdrawal Agreement between the UK and the EU. Follow
UK Strategic Export Controls annual report 2017
This report gives a detailed overview of the UK’s Strategic Export Controls work in 2017. The report includes sections on: Follow
In the absence of a Withdrawal Agreement, there will be no transition period and EU law will cease to apply to and in the UK as of 30 March 2019. *** In assenza di un accordo sull’uscita del Regno Unito dall’UE, non vi sarà un periodo transitorio e le regole UE termineranno di applicarsi nel Regno Unito a partire dal 30 marzo 2019.
In the absence of a Withdrawal Agreement, there will be no transition period and EU law will cease to apply to and in the UK as of 30 March 2019.…
Protection of intra-EU investment – Protezione degli investimenti intra-UE
ICJ: Iran institutes proceedings against the United States for the “8 May sanctions”
Iran institutes proceedings against the United States with regard to a dispute concerning alleged violations of the Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations, and Consular Rights between Iran and the United…
The European Union and Japan agreed to create the world’s largest area of safe data flows
Tokyo, 17 July 2018 The EU and Japan successfully concluded today their talks on reciprocal adequacy. They agreed to recognise each other’s data protection systems as ‘equivalent’, which will allow…
EU and Japan sign Economic Partnership Agreement
Tokyo, 17 July 2018: At the EU-Japan summit in Tokyo, Presidents Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk, and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, signed today the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).…
State aid: Commission adopts Best Practices Code to streamline and speed up State aid control – Aiuti di Stato, la Commissione adotta un codice di Best Practices per semplificare e velocizzare il controllo degli aiuti di Stato
The European Commission has adopted a new Best Practices Code for State aid control. The Code provides guidance to the Commission, Member States, businesses and other stakeholders on the day-to-day…
WTO Trade Policy Review: China
The seventh review of the trade policies and practices of China takes place on 11 and 13 July 2018. The basis for the review is a report by the WTO…
Monitoring the application of EU Law: Italy
Every year, the European Commission draws up an annual report on its monitoring of the application of EU law in response to requests from the European Parliament and the EU…
WTO DS 556: Switzerland v. USA — Certain Measures on Steel and Aluminium Products
Switzerland has requested WTO dispute consultations with the United States regarding US duties on certain imported steel and aluminium products. The request was circulated to WTO members on 12 July.…
UK white paper on Follow
Terrorism, the UK Supreme Court on the Prevention of Terrorism Act 1989. What is “knowing or having reasonable cause to suspect” ?
The appellants relied on the well-established principle that whenever a statutory section creates a criminal offence but does not refer to the offender’s state of mind (“mens rea”), there is…
https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pm-words-following-chequers-6-july-2018 Follow
Boris Johnson resigns as foreign secretary
Boris Johnson resigns as foreign secretary Follow
Workshop – Brexit: Recap, Rethink, Re-calculate (?) – University of East Anglia
http://www.uea.ac.uk/law/brexitworkshop Follow
Brexit Secretary David Davis, who has been leading UK negotiations to leave the EU, has resigned from government.
Brexit Secretary David Davis has resigned Follow
Rate of new trade restrictions from G20 economies doubles against previous period
The WTO’s nineteenth monitoring report on Group of 20 (G20) trade measures covering the period from mid-October 2017 to mid-May 2018, issued on 4 July, shows that new trade-restrictive measures…
2019 European elections: National rules
An infographic of the EP EPRS_ATA(2018)623556_EN Follow
Celebrating the Customs Union: the world’s largest trading bloc turns 50
http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-18-4265_en.htm Follow