The Council of the European Union has approved a declaration outlining a shared understanding among the EU and its member states regarding the application of international law to cyberspace. This milestone affirms that international law remains robust and relevant in addressing the digital domain. The declaration emphasizes that states are bound by established rules and obligations when engaging in cyberspace, countering the notion of it being a lawless space.
The declaration acknowledges the growing threat posed by malicious cyber activities, such as ransomware, which increasingly disrupt European societies and economies. It underscores the importance of adhering to the UN framework for responsible state behavior in cyberspace, rooted in international law, including the UN Charter, international human rights law, and international humanitarian law.
The EU and its member states reiterate their commitment to advancing a unified, permanent, and inclusive UN mechanism, the Programme of Action, to promote responsible state behavior in cyberspace. This initiative aims to enhance global cyber resilience and accountability while fostering transparency and predictability in state conduct.
The declaration highlights the EU’s efforts to assist third countries through capacity building, training, and the development of national or regional positions on the application of international law to cyberspace. It aligns with ongoing UN initiatives, particularly the Open-Ended Working Group on ICT security (2021-2025), established by UNGA resolution A/RES/75/240.
This declaration marks the first coordinated EU stance on this subject, following consultations within key EU bodies and reflects the bloc’s leadership in shaping the global cyber governance agenda.